Twitter accused of discriminating against women employees in layoffs, will have to answer in court

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Two former women employees of the company have filed a lawsuit against microblogging site Twitter. They allege that women employees were discriminated against in the layoffs done by Twitter last month. Since the takeover of Twitter by billionaire Elon Musk, some legal cases have been filed against the company.

Twitter was bought by Musk for approximately $44 billion. After this, almost half the workers of the company were laid off. In the case filed in the San Francisco court in America, it has been alleged that about 57 percent of the women employees have been removed from the company in the retrenchment. In comparison, the number of men removed is less than Aadna. Before the retrenchment in the company, the number of women employees was less than that of men. Musk also removed from the company those engineers who criticized him. At the beginning of this year, Twitter had about 7,500 employees.

Being a private company, Twitter has not disclosed how many employees the company has after layoffs. Questions sent to Twitter in this regard did not receive any response. After the layoffs at the beginning of last month, Musk gave a new message to the company’s staff. He had asked the staff to decide whether they wanted to work more hours in the company or resign with three months’ severance pay. For this the staff was asked to click on a link.

It was written in this link to confirm that ‘You want to be a part of the new Twitter.’ Staff not clicking this link will be considered as resignation from the company. The message said, “Whatever decision you take, thank you for your efforts to make Twitter successful.” Musk had told in the message that hard work will have to be done to make Twitter 2.0 successful amidst the rapidly increasing competition. This means working longer hours. Only those with exceptional performance will be passed. Earlier, Musk had banned staff from working from home or remote location. Along with this, he also advised the workers to be prepared for difficult times.

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