Instagram Snapchat Among ThoseThat Smartphone Users in The World Wanted to Delete in 2023 All Details


A recent study revealed some surprising insights into how people decide to keep or abandon their mobile apps. The report, based on global smartphone users, revealed that 4.8 billion people, or 59.9% of the world's population and 92.7% of internet users, are active on social media. On average, users use about 6.7 different social media platforms every month and spend about 2 hours and 24 minutes every day on these networks. This study has also revealed which are the top apps which smartphone users wanted to delete this year.

Recent TRG Datacenters Research looked at several points, such as “how people decide to keep or discard their mobile apps” or which apps smartphone users decided to remove from their smartphones this year. The most surprising discovery was that the largest number of users had decided to delete the app which you probably use the most in a day. We are talking about the social media platform Instagram. Statista's statistics Citing research, the research shows that despite its widespread use with 2.4 trillion active users globally, more than 10 lakh people were actively searching 'how to delete my Instagram account' every month in 2023.

That's more than 12,500 searches for every 100,000 people worldwide. This trend could pose a threat to Instagram's dominance, even though it has consistently been a leading social media platform.

Snapchat, launched in 2011, followed Instagram in terms of people willing to hit the uninstall button. Although not as much as Instagram, still around 130,000 users per month were looking to delete their Snapchat account in 2023. This is a significant number, considering that Snapchat has approximately 750 million (75 crore) users.

This study shows that even though social media apps like Instagram and Snapchat have a massive user base, a large number of people are actively considering uninstalling them. The report raises questions about the sustainability of these platforms given user dissatisfaction, especially for Instagram, which could see a major change in its popularity and user base if the current trend continues.


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