Explained | Karnataka's new free travel scheme for women | The Hindu

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The newly elected Congress government in Karnataka launched the first among five poll guarantees, ‘Shakti’: a scheme which …

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5 lakh 71 023 that is the total number of women who traveled in karnataka’s buses on the first day of the Shakti scheme Karnataka joins the league of Punjab Tamil Nadu and Delhi in introducing the free travel scheme for women with the aim of drawing more women into the workforce and boosting the economy to Avail the scheme women have to get the Shakti smart card by applying on the Seva Sindhu portal the government has

Given three months to register for the card and get it however a lot of people including bus activists have said that such a step creates barrier for a lot of women to access this field so I’m currently at the Majestic bus stand I’m taking a bus

Here for the first time after the Shakti yojana has been inaugurated um so I have my other card with me let’s see how smooth the process of getting a ticket and traveling in the buses so I’m right now inside a bus I’ll be getting my ticket very soon but

Generally today to Avail the scheme I have my aadhar card but this is only for the next three months within the next three months all beneficiaries the scheme who women who will Avail the scheme will have to register on the save us in the portal to get their Shakti

Smart card until then all rtcs have been instructed to accept any kind of state or Central ID card um to get the ticket this is a zero ticket so that’s what makes it a free travel for women in Karnataka Role she with starvation she brings up the child and the family so we want to strengthen our financially economically that is why we started this first program for all the women who travel Tickets We spoke to a few women to know their experiences and opinions about the Shakti schemes foreign effective ideas yeah Having spoken to multiple women we know that every women passenger who’s used the Shakti scheme is very excited and happy about it however most of them are not aware of the Seva Sindhu portal on which they need to apply for the Shakti smart card a lot of women are not even

Aware that they need to have a Shakti smart card at the end of three months and they can’t continue to use their IDs along with this the other issue is the management of numbers as awareness increases more women will opt to travel by buses will the government be able to

Smoothly and successfully implement the Shakti scheme let’s wait and watch for the next three months until then keep following the Hindu for more such stories and videos

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