POCO M6 Pro 5G After launching the phone in India last year, now the company is also bringing its 4G model. POCO M6 Pro 4G phone will be launched in the global market on January 11., Even before the phone hits the market, the brand has made many of its specifications public, including information about its RAM, processor and camera, as well as its screen and charging technology. You can read all these details of the upcoming Poco M6 Pro 4G phone further.
POCO M6 Pro 4G specifications
- 120Hz AMOLED Display
- 64MP OIS Camera
- 12GB RAM + 512GB Storage
- MediaTek Helio G99 Ultra
- 67W Turbo Charging
Think twice before you spend a lot on an expensive smartphone, #POCOM6Pro is here to popularize the flagship features to mid-range devices!👀
Unmask the fascinating flagship features #POCOM6Pro on January 11th at 20:00 GMT+8! pic.twitter.com/SgYazS4pEb— POCO (@POCOGlobal) January 6, 2024
Screen : Poco has told that its M6 Pro 4G phone will be launched on a large screen with AMOLED panel. At present its display size is not clear but the company has definitely made it clear that it will also have in-display fingerprint sensor technology.
Processing: POCO M6 Pro 4G phone will be launched on MediaTek Helio G99 Ultra chipset. It is an octa-core processor built on 6nanometer fabrications that is capable of running at a clock speed of up to 2.2GHz.
Memory : The company has announced that the upcoming smartphone Poco M6 Pro will be launched with 12 GB RAM memory. Along with this, 512 GB internal storage will also be provided in the phone. We hope that a smaller variant of the phone will also come in the market.
Camera: For photography, triple rear camera will be seen in Poco M6 Pro 4G smartphone. The brand has revealed that a 64-megapixel primary camera sensor will be provided on the back panel of the phone, which will work with OIS i.e. Optical Image Stabilization technology.
Charging: Poco has not given any information about the battery provided in the phone, but it has been made clear that 67W fast charging will be seen in POCO M6 Pro 4G, which will be able to charge the big battery fast.