Robot murdered a human! Machine dominates humanity, crushes 40 year old man to death

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It has been shown in many films that scientific inventions go out of control and The machine made by man dominates humanity. It happens. When such imagination becomes reality, questions start being raised on the progress of technology. The technology created for the benefit of humanity has taken the life of a human being. This terrible accident happened in South Korea where A robot has killed a human being,

Robot took human’s life

The news has come out quoting South Korean News Agency that a robot has murdered a human being there. However, it has been declared an accident and the cause of death has been said to be a ‘mistake’. According to the news, there was some problem with the robotic arm due to which the robot, Couldn’t differentiate between a person and a box! This accident in South Korea has shocked the whole world.

According to the report, the employee was checking the sensor operation of the robot at the time of the accident. Meanwhile, the robot mistook that employee for a box. As soon as it sensed the objective, the robotic arm placed the person on its grabbed with mechanical force and tossed with force, The employee’s face and chest were badly crushed when the robot caught hold of the person with force and threw him towards the automatic panel present there.

The human body has a capacity to bear weight and pressure. But that robot had captured him badly with its mechanical power. After this accident, the person was immediately taken to the nearest hospital, but he was declared dead there. According to the report, the sensor of that robot had already malfunctioned and it was being tested. This tragic accident also During testing of robotic arm Has happened.

Technology and science, saint or devil?

This accident that came out of South Korea has forced the whole world to think, can excessive expansion of science and use of technology prove dangerous for mankind? If indeed machines or If technology goes out of control Will it be easy to handle? Who should be held truly responsible for the South Korean disaster? Can any person’s life be compromised just by saying ‘technical fault’?


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