Mobile screen getting burnt-in? Know the cause of the problem and easy solution

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phone screen burn in problem and solution

When a mobile phone becomes old, many problems start appearing. These problems can be related to both hardware or software. If the problem occurs in the phone screen, then there is more tension because it is difficult to adjust to it and the cost of repairing it or replacing the screen is also high. One such problem related to display is screen burn-in which spoils the user experience. If you are also struggling with such a problem, then some tricks are mentioned below which can be adopted to solve the screen burn-in.

In this article:

What is screen burn-in?

Many times, some spots automatically start appearing on the screen of smartphones and the screen color is also not visible clearly on those spots. In mobile display, it is the condition of discoloration and the screen becoming dirty. Screen burn-in or Ghost image It is said. As the phone starts getting old, its screen colors also start deteriorating. Text and icons don’t look as sharp as they used to. The colors start becoming blurry and it appears as if there is a stain inside the phone screen itself.

phone screen burn in problem and solution

How does screen burn-in happen in a phone?

In screen burn-in, the discoloration of the phone display and blurring of the picture quality is not due to any external injury or defect but due to the internal issue of the phone. To some extent, the way we use our phone also affects this problem. The problem of screen burn-in generally arises when a graphic, wallpaper or app tool remains open in the phone for a long time and does not change its place or move.

phone screen burn in problem and solution

Let us explain by giving an example, if the same theme is used on the phone for many months, then the text and colors present in that theme start leaving their shadow or impression on the phone screen. These colors, text and icons remain visible continuously on the transparent display and even after opening any other app or window in the phone, a blurred shape of these colors and symbols starts appearing somewhere behind on the screen. That is, using a single static photo or theme for a long time is the biggest reason for screen burn-in.

Reasons for screen burn-in

  • screen wallpaper
  • notification bar
  • navigation bar
  • screen text
  • time watch
  • calendar

Some of the tools and apps mentioned above prove to be helpful in preventing screen burn-in on the phone. If the same wallpaper is used in a smartphone for a long time, then the images and colors present in that wallpaper start getting printed on the phone display. Similarly, the notification bar at the top of the display and the navigation bar at the bottom remain in the same position all the time, which gradually starts showing its effect on the screen. At the same time, clock, calendar and screen text written on the lock screen are also factors of screen burn-in.

phone screen burn in problem and solution

How to protect smartphone from screen burn-in?

1) The first step to avoid screen burn-in in mobile phones is to not use any wallpaper or background image in the mobile phone for too long. Keep changing it from time to time.

2) Limited use of Mobile Phone Theme is also an important step to avoid this problem. Keep changing the smartphone theme after some time, so that the theme as well as other tools do not remain the same.

3) Keep changing the shape of the app icons present in the phone and also their text size. Changing the style and shape will prevent it from causing screen burn-in. Also keep changing the location of the app shortcut icon.

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4) Do not always keep the brightness level in the mobile at high point. If possible, keep the smartphone brightness on ‘auto mode’ so that it keeps changing automatically.

5) The problem of screen burn-in is most visible in Always-On Display. It has always been showing some tools at the same place in smartphones and they then leave their ghost images. It would be better if you disable the always-on display feature in your mobile phone.


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