World Audio-Visual Heritage Day, know theme, history and significance

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World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2023

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (WDAH) is an important global event that highlights the preservation of audiovisual materials that capture the stories of our diverse cultures and histories. World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is celebrated every year on 27 October. This initiative aims to preserve and promote audiovisual heritage around the world. The article below has all the details on World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2023.

List of Important Days In October 2023

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2023: Theme

The theme of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2023 is “Your Window to the World.” “Your window to the world”. The theme highlights the role of audiovisual heritage as a window to the past, enabling us to witness historical events, hear the voices of the past, and craft stories that educate and entertain. The theme of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2023 highlights cultural wealth and the valuable lessons that can be extracted from these archives.

History of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2023

The 33rd session of the General Conference of UNESCO adopted 33C/resolution 53 to proclaim 27 October as World Audio Heritage Day, commemorating the adoption, by the 21st session of the General Conference in 1980, of the protection of moving images. and recommended for conservation.

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2023: Importance

Audiovisual archives are repositories of human history, providing invaluable insights into cultures, societies and languages ​​around the world. They act as a collective memory, preserving our past and the diversity of our communities. These archives are rich sources of knowledge, reflecting the cultural, social and linguistic diversity of our world. They help us learn, grow, and gain a better understanding of the global community we share.

UNESCO Archives has launched the project “Digitization of our shared UNESCO history”, which aims to digitize and preserve shared history for the benefit of the global community and to remind of the urgent measures needed to safeguard WDAH audiovisual documents. Works as. It encourages UNESCO Member States to evaluate their performance in implementing the 2015 Recommendation regarding the preservation of the documentary heritage.

Significance of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2023

WDAH is important in the world of cultural preservation. It raises awareness of the importance of preserving audiovisual materials, focusing on access to these archives, celebrating specific aspects of our heritage, and drawing attention to the potential threat to audiovisual heritage.

It also celebrates the development of audio-visual technology. From offering glimpses into the world of the past, we now have the ability to experience history in virtual reality. WDAH offers a unique opportunity to visit different parts of history, allowing us to go back in time to witness historic moments or gain a deeper understanding of the past.

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