Seven Wonders of the World in Hindi: These are the seven wonders of the world with photos (with images)

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Seven Wonders of the World in Hindi

first in 1999 7 wonders The initiative to elect was started. This initiative started from Switzerland and there is a formal foundation Was created, this foundation created a new site, in which the world’s 200 heritages A list was made. After this, voting was done through internet and mobile. These New Seven Wonders were announced on July 7, 2007, after a survey led by Canadian-Swiss Bernard Weber in Lisbon, Portugal and conducted by the New 7 Wonders Foundation in Zurich, Switzerland. The organization polled 100 million votes worldwide, either via the Internet or by telephone.

In today’s post, we will know about the Seven Wonders of the World…we will see which country has seven wonders and what is its specialty due to which it has been kept in the list of seven wonders, such important information. Keep reading this article for…

1. Petra (Ma’an, Jordan)
2. Taj Mahal (Agra, India),
3. Great Wall of China (China),
4. Christ the Redeemer Statue (Rio de Janeiro),
5. Machu Picchu (Peru),
6. Chichen Itza (Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico),
7. The Roman Colosseum (Rome), and Petra (Jordan).

new seven wonders of the world

in the year 2000 swiss foundation Seven new wonders to choose from New7Wonders Started a campaign in the name of, in which The 7 Wonders were chosen as winners in 2007 through a worldwide poll., Now as New7Wonders of the World 7 new symbols of peace A new campaign is being run, for which voting is still taking place.

World’s Seven Wonders List

Here is the full list of the Seven Wonders of the World, where they are located and some facts.

The Colosseum
(Roman Colosseum)
Rome, Italy It is also listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s largest amphitheater. It was constructed in 80 AD. by the Flavian emperors during the first century of the Roman Empire in
Machu Picchu
(Machu Picchu)
Cuzco Region, Peru It stands approximately 8,000 feet (2,430 m) above sea level and was constructed as a 15th-century Incan estate for Emperor Pachacuti.
Ma’an, Jordan 312 BC A wondrous city carved out of rock, built in
Taj Mahal
(Taj Mahal )
Agra, India A beautiful mausoleum built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan after the death of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, it was built in 1632-1648.
Cristo Redentor (OR) Christ the Redeemer Statue
(Statue of Christ the Redeemer)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 98 feet (30 m) tall, and its arms are 92 feet (28 m) wide
Great Wall of China
(the great Wall of China)
China It is 8,851.8 km. (5,500.3 miles) long. It was constructed from the seventh century to the 16th century.
Chichén Itzá
(Pyramid at Chichen Itza)
Yucatán, Mexico Chichen Itza was built in AD 600. Where 1.4 million tourists come every year. Chichen is located in Yucatan State in Mexico.

Seven Wonders of the World with images

1. The Colosseum – Rome’s Colosseum

situated in rome
Country Italy
built in commissioned around AD 70-72
Built by Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty

Image Courtesy- National Geographic Society

It is situated in Idli, Rome. construction of 72 AD to 80 AD Was done between. This huge figure, made in oval shape, was made of concrete and sand. This Flavian Amphitheater also known as. This 100 days for the game of Vespasian’s son Titus ADA was opened in 80 by gladiatorial combat(gladiatorial combats) and wild animal fights. 50 thousand to 80 thousand people can sit here. It is spread over an area of ​​approximately 24 thousand square meters.

2. Machu Picchu – Machu Picchu

situated in Cuzco Region, Urubamba Province, Machupicchu District
Country Republic of Peru
built in Construction believed to be started in 1450–1460
Built by Incan Empire

Image Courtesy- National Geographic Society

above sea level in Peru, South America Machu Picchu 2430 meters above There was a city named, in which the Inca civilization used to live during the 15th century. The city was “discovered” by Hiram Bingham in 1911. in 1983 UNESCO It was declared as world heritage. The artwork of the Inca civilization can still be seen here.

3. Petra – petra

situated in Ma’an Governorate
Country Jordan
built in 5th century BC
Built by The Nabataean

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petra city south jordan Is situated in, which is included in the seven wonders because of its unique artwork. Also known as Rakmu or Rose City because of its colour. Many architectures have been built in this city by cutting rocks. whom Was built around 12 BC, It is believed that the city of Petra was founded as a trading post by an Arab Bedouin tribe based in the region of southwestern Jordan. Petra’s geographic location made it the center of commerce in the region at the time as it was located about 150 miles south of Jerusalem and Amman, the capital of Jordan, and midway between Damascus, Syria, and the Red Sea. The tall temples here are the center of attraction. Along with this, there are also ponds and canals which have been built very well.

4. Taj Mahal – Taj Mahal

situated in Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Country India
built in 1632–53
Built by Emperor Shah Jahan

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The Taj Mahal is a marble mausoleum complex in Agra, India, and is a fine example of Mughal architecture. construction of Emperor Shahjahan (1628-58) Had it built for his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Who died in 1631 giving birth to her 14th child. It was named Taj Mahal after him. It is believed that the Taj Mahal was built by 20,000 artisans under the guidance of expert architects of that time. to make it 15 years It took time.

5. Cristo Redentor (OR) Christ the Redeemer Statue – christ the redeemer

situated in Corcovado mountain, Rio de Janeiro
Country Brazil
built in 1922 – 31
Built by Designed by sculptor Paul Landowski and built by engineer Heitor da Silva Costa in collaboration with Albert Caquot. Sculptor Gheorghe Leonida created the face

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Christ the Redeemer Statue Or Cristo Redentor is an Art Deco-style statue of Jesus, located atop Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro. it 130-foot The reinforced concrete-and-soapstone statue was designed by Heitor da Silva Costa and constructed in approximately $250,000 Expenses were incurred, most of which were met through donations. The construction of this statue started in 1922. Its Weight 635 metric tons And it’s from the city of Rio 700 meter high Corcovado It is situated on the hill of. This is a huge symbol of Christianity throughout the world.

6. Great Wall of China – wall of china

situated in stretches across North China from east to west
Country China
built in construction started in 7th century BC
Built by Qin Dynasty, Ming Dynasty

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This great wall of China approximately 5,500 miles (8,850 km) Is long. There is controversy regarding its length, as China claims that it Length 13,170 miles (21,200 km) Is. Its construction began in the 7th century and mid 16th century to be done. It was constructed by mixing soil, stone, brick, wood and other materials. This wall is 35 feet high. It is said that 20 to 30 lakh laborers would have devoted their lives in making it. The agenda behind this magnificent structure was related to defence, border control, imposing duties on the Silk Road trade and regulation of trade and emigration of that time.

7. Chichén Itzá –Pyramid at Chichen Itza

situated in Yucatán
Country Mexico
built in 5th-13th century
Built by Maya-Toltec civilization

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Chichen Itza is a very old Mayan temple located in Mexico. it its construction AD 600 Happened in. it’s in mexico Yucatan State Located in. Among the ruins of the city are religious temples of the Maya civilization, located at Chichen Itza Maya Temple 5 Kms Is spread around in. Kukulkan Temple There are steps in which every day is one in the solar calendar. There are also Hall of Thousand Pillars, Prisoners’ Playground, Pyramid of Kukulkan, Chak Mool Temple etc.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World –Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The classic Seven Wonders of the World, known as the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” before being included in this new list:

  • Great Pyramid of Giza
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  • Statue of Zeus at Olympia
  • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
  • Colossus of Rhodes
  • Lighthouse of Alexandria

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