List Of India’s Neighboring countries – India’s neighboring countries, names and their capitals (List of India’s neighboring countries with their flags)

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List Of India’s Neighbor’s countries

India has a total land border of 15,106.7 km and a coastline of 7,516.6 km including island areas. The official name of India is the Republic of India, our country is the largest country of the Indian subcontinent located in South Asia. It is completely located in the Northern Hemisphere, India is the seventh largest country in the world geographically (1. Russia, 2. Canada, 3. China, 4. America, 5. Brazil, 6. Australia, 7. India). , while being the second largest country in terms of population. Pakistan is situated in the west of India, China, Nepal and Bhutan in the north-east, Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east. In the Indian Ocean, India shares its maritime border with Maldives in the south-west, Sri Lanka in the south and Indonesia in the south-east. Its physical boundary to the north is the Himalayan Mountains and to the south is the Indian Ocean. In the east is the Bay of Bengal and in the west is the Arabian Sea. This information is necessary for you because it will be helpful for you in Static Awareness Section in General Awareness Section.

Adda247 is once again present for you with another topic to enhance your general awareness in your upcoming exams… Today’s article is about the neighboring countries of India, their names and their capitals, after reading which you will understand your country even better. You will be able to know from and you will also get helpful points in the preparation of upcoming exams…let’s start…

List Of India’s Neighbor’s countries

Our country India is full of diversity. On one hand it is culturally vast, on the other hand it is also geographically very amazing. And this is a topic of general awareness for you and us i.e. everyone whose knowledge is very important for everyone from a common man to students. Because often these questions come up many times in our normal life, like, how many neighboring countries does India share its border with? Who are the neighboring countries? Name the countries which touch the border of India? How many states of India connect with neighboring countries? So come on, let us know why our country is so special…

Neighboring countries of India and their capitals 2023. List of India’s neighboring countries with Map and their flags

neighboring countries


Pakistan islamabad
afghanistan(Afghanistan) Kabul
China Beijing
Nepal kathmandu
Bhutan thimphu
Bangladesh Dhaka
Myanmar Naypyidaw
Sri Lanka (maritime limit)(Sri Lanka) Colombo and Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte
Maldives (maritime border)(Maldives) Male

How many neighboring countries are there in India and their names? Which are the 7 neighboring countries of India? What are the names of India’s two neighboring countries? How many maritime neighboring countries does India have? India has 7 neighboring countries, whose borders share with India. Names of neighboring countries of India and their capitals:

List Of India’s Neighbor’s countries

Here is a detailed list of all the neighboring countries of India, including all the border countries of India:

1. Pakistan

Pakistan is one of the countries west of India and bordering India. The total land area of ​​Pakistan is 7,96,095 square km. The Indian states of Gujarat, Rajasthan and Punjab and the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir share their borders with Pakistan. After India got independence from British rule, Pakistan separated from India. It celebrates its Independence Day on August 14, 1947. At the time of independence, Pakistan was formed into two regions i.e. East Pakistan and West Pakistan. These two regions were quite different from each other not only geographically but also culturally. After a long conflict between the two, a civil war broke out in 1971, resulting in the formation of Bangladesh. West Pakistan, located northwest of India, became the Republic of Pakistan and East Pakistan became Bangladesh.

2. Afghanistan

Afghanistan, also known as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, in Central Asia. The total land area of ​​Afghanistan is spread over 6,52,230 square km. Islam is the dominant religion in the country and the main dependence of the country’s economy is on agriculture. Afghanistan, a country near India, includes industrial activities such as cotton textiles, woolens, woven carpets and handicrafts. POK shares border with Afghanistan.

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3. China

The People’s Republic of China is one of the countries located in East Asia and bordering India. It is the most populous country in the world and the fourth largest country in the world. The President of China is the head of state. China is located to the north of India. The Indian states of Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand share their borders with China. China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The two countries are linked by the Silk Road initiative and exchange of Buddhism.

4. Nepal

Nepal, officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country and the Himalayas located in Nepal, located north of India. In terms of area, Nepal is the 93rd largest country with an area of ​​1,47,181 sq km. The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu which is also the largest city of the country. Nepal contains eight of the world’s ten tallest mountains, including Earth’s highest peak, Mount Everest. Tourism is the largest contributor to the country’s economy. Nepal shares borders with Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal and Bihar.

5. Bhutan

Bhutan is located in the north of India. It is officially known as the Kingdom of Bhutan and shares borders with the Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam and West Bengal. It is also a landlocked country and has an area of ​​38,394 square km. The capital of Bhutan is Thimphu. There is a constitutional monarchy in the country. Major contributors to the country’s economy are hydropower, agriculture, forestry and tourism. Bhutan is India’s smallest neighboring country.

6. Bangladesh

Bangladesh is officially called the People’s Republic of Bangladesh which is located in South Asia. The capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka. The Indian states of Assam, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya and West Bengal share their borders with Bangladesh. Bangladesh is the world’s eighth most populous country (161 million) and one of the most populous countries in the world. Bangladesh was initially part of Pakistan and known as East Pakistan, but after the Liberation War in 1971, it gained independence.

Myanmar, officially known as The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, is located in East Asia. India’s neighboring Myanmar shares its border with Indian states like Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur. Myanmar has an area of ​​676,578 km² and is the largest among the Mainland Southeast Asian states. Naypyidaw is the capital of Myanmar. The country is governed by a presidential republic with a bicameral legislature. The head of the state is the President of the country.

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