Know all the facts and importance related to Children’s Day 2024

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Children’s Day 2024: Children’s Day, celebrated every year on 14 November across India, marks the birth anniversary of the country’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru, fondly called Chacha Nehru, emphasized the importance of children as the foundation of the bright future of the nation and the society. He believed in giving priority to their welfare and advocated an inclusive educational system. India celebrates Children’s Day on 14 November to honor Jawaharlal Nehru, a staunch supporter of children’s rights. Nehru’s birthday is celebrated on this day in recognition of his dedication towards the well-being of children and his important role in shaping the nation.

Children’s Day 2023: History

  • The inaugural Children’s Day on November 5, 1948 was marked as “Flower Day” by the organization that later became the Indian Council of Child Welfare (ICCW) in an effort to raise funds for the United Nations Appeal for Children (UNAC). became. “Children’s Day” was celebrated and published widely through radio, newspapers, films etc. on 30 July 1949 through the sale of “flower tokens”.
  • While researching the rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents in Britain in 1951, UN Social Welfare Fellow V. M. Kulkarni discovered that there was no system for the care of underprivileged children in India.
  • Kulkarni presented a report which recommended that Pandit Nehru’s birthday could be marked as Flag Day to raise funds for NGOs working for child welfare in India.
  • The idea was inspired by Flag Day celebrated in England on the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II to raise money for the “Save the Child Fund”. When his permission was asked, Nehru felt insulted at first, but eventually reluctantly agreed.
  • Nehru’s birthday (14 November) has been officially celebrated in India since 1947, with public celebrations and children’s games held in his honour; Nevertheless, it was not until 1954 that the day was first celebrated as “Children’s Day”. Over 50,000 school children attended the festivities at the National Stadium in Delhi.
  • In 1957 a special government decree designated 14 November as Children’s Day in India. On the occasion of Children’s Day (also known as “Children’s Day”), the Department of Posts and Telegraphs, Government of India released the first day cover and three commemorative stamps.

Children’s Day 2023: Rights of children according to the Indian Constitution

According to the Indian Constitution, children have the following rights.

  • The right of every child of 6 to 14 years of age to receive free and essential elementary education
  • Right to be free from hazardous employment until the age of 14 (Article 24)
  • Right to care and education of children
  • right to be protected from abuse
  • The right to avoid working for financial reasons in jobs that are not suitable for them physically or intellectually.
  • Right to equal opportunity and developmentally appropriate facilities
  • The right to freedom and dignity, as well as the assurance that children and youth will not be exploited.
  • In addition to these rights, they also have the following rights as equal Indian citizens: –
  • Right to equality (Article 14)
  • Right against discrimination (Article 15)
  • Right to personal liberty and due process of law (Article 21)
  • Right to be protected from trafficking and forced labor (Article 23)
  • Right to be protected from social injustice and all forms of exploitation of the weaker sections of the people (Article 46)

Children’s Day Wishes 2023: Significance

  • Children’s Day is celebrated to highlight the areas in which the country’s children still lack access to health care and education.
  • The primary idea behind celebrating Children’s Day is to raise awareness about the rights, needs and welfare of children.
  • However, Children’s Day is also a way to celebrate the innocence and happiness of childhood.
  • The nation has adopted many ways to celebrate this beautiful day, from schools organizing fun and entertaining activities for students to various government and NGO organizations launching schemes for the welfare of children.
  • Teachers in schools organize entertainment programs for children. Some may announce holiday or half day for other students.
  • Children are sometimes given snacks and sweets in their schools.

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