These employees will get full pension amount

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In this information about Old Pension Scheme News, today we are going to know important information related to Old Pension Scheme. Many important updates have been issued by the Government of India and the state governments available in different states regarding the Old Pension Scheme, in which there are many types of updates. The changes have been made for the employees.

So that the employees can get benefits. At present, there are many citizens who are receiving pension under the Old Pension Scheme and there are many citizens who are receiving pension under the New Pension Scheme. A few days ago, news was released regarding Old Pension Scheme in different states.

In which the Maharashtra State Government had also announced to provide the benefits of Old Pension Scheme to the employees of Maharashtra State. Let us know the complete news related to Old Pension Scheme.

Old Pension Scheme OPS 2024

Many employees have been demanding for a long time that they should be provided old pension because the old pension scheme provides better benefits to the employees as compared to the new pension scheme. As per the demand of the employees, Maharashtra State Government has approved the proposal to provide the benefit of Old Pension Scheme but the benefit of Old Pension Scheme will be provided to only a few employees. Yes, instead of providing the benefit of Old Pension Scheme to all the employees, it will be provided to only a few employees.

Due to the approval of the proposal of Old Pension Scheme, 26000 state employees of Maharashtra state will get the benefit and this benefit will be given to those employees who were selected before November 2005 but they got the joining letter after this time. OPS was discontinued in the year 2005 due to which all the employees after that time get benefits under the New Pension Scheme.

important work for employees

The state cabinet had earlier issued a notice to the employees that they have to choose between the old pension scheme and the new pension scheme within 6 months and submit all their necessary documents to the concerned department in the next two months. In such a situation, 26000 employees of the state, out of which those who have not yet selected the scheme from the Old Pension Scheme and the New Pension Scheme, should select the scheme on time and submit the necessary documents to the department. .

This news has already been issued to the employees, so those employees who have still not completed this necessary work should complete the necessary work soon. According to the orders to be issued further, pension can be received under the old pension scheme only after completing the required work.

26000 employees will get benefits

The number of employees joining the service under the state since November 2005 is about 9.5 lakh, who are already being given pension under the old pension scheme. In the old pension scheme, monthly pension equal to 50 percent of the last salary is given. Now, due to this decision of the government, 26000 more employees will be able to get the benefit of this scheme on time. They can also get pension under the old pension scheme by choosing the old pension scheme and submitting the necessary documents.

Similarly, the state government has released important news in different states and in some states the news can be released anytime, so if you are a resident of any other state then definitely read the news of your state. At the same time, if you are also a government employee, then in such a situation you will also be able to take the benefit of the old pension scheme as per the announcement and rules made in the state.


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