WhatsApp again tightens control on suspicious users, more than 26 lakh accounts banned

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WhatsApp has again banned a large number of accounts in India to curb suspicious users. The instant messaging platform has released the report for the month of September, according to which the company has banned around 27 lakh accounts in September alone. This has come to light in the compliance report released on Tuesday. The company has banned 15% more accounts in September compared to August.

WhatsApp keeps taking action to ban suspicious users from time to time in India. In the latest report, the platform has informed that in September it has banned the accounts of 26.85 lakh users in India. Earlier in the month i.e. August, the number of banned users was 23.28 lakh. The platform has banned 15% more users in September. Not only this, out of these, there were 8.72 lakh users who were banned even before they were flagged by other users.

of september User Safety Report While issuing this, the company said that between September 1 and September 30, it has banned 26 lakh 85 thousand users. Indian account is identified by +91 phone number. Under the new IT rules implemented last year, digital platforms with more than 50 lakh users have to publish compliance reports every month. In this the company will tell how many complaints were received against the users and what action was taken for the same.

In recent times, big social media platforms have started being used more for spreading inflammatory speech, misinformation and fake news. In view of this, the government became strict and now digital platforms are also dealing strictly with such users, and they are banned.

Apart from this, WhatsApp is also working on a new feature named ‘Self-Messaging Feature’. This will be a feature by which you will be able to send messages to yourself. At present you are not able to send any message to yourself on WhatsApp, if you want to receive your own message then you have to first send it to someone close to you. But this problem will be eliminated with the new feature. The feature is currently in beta testing phase, the company is preparing to roll it out soon.

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