How to check battery health of Android phone? Learn the easiest way


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Smartphone phone (Android phone) If you are using it, do you know how much power is left in the battery? Android users do not have any direct option to find out what is the status of the phone. Battery How much strength do I have left? By the way, Battery The user should be aware of this situation, because it also affects the performance. Battery There are many methods available through which you can monitor the battery health of your Android smartphone from time to time to check whether it is in good condition or not. Let us tell you how to check battery health in Android phone (How to check battery health in Android phone,

In this article:

How to check battery health of Android phone from settings?

Android smartphones do not have a built-in monitor to check battery health. In such a situation, Android users will have to follow some steps regarding battery health, through which they can get information about the battery health of their Android smartphone. To check battery health from Settings, follow the steps below:

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Step-1: Android smartphone battery status in setting You can check by going to the menu. Navigation options in the Settings menu may vary depending on your Android build and version. To you settings app In Battery Have to go to options.

Step-2: battery section You have to click on the three dot icon, here you Battery Usage Have to click on. Here you can see the list of those apps which consume the most power from the last charge. You can force close these apps from here. This option shows different data in different companies.

How to check battery health with AccuBattery app

You can use third party apps for deeper analysis like AccuBattery Can be installed in the phone. From this app you get battery usage information, battery capacity, temperature and other information. To check battery health with the help of third party app AccuBattery, follow the steps given below:

<a href=Android Smartphone Battery Health Check” width=”300″ height=”540″/>

step 1: AccuBattery from Google Play Store (Battery) After downloading the app, open it.
Step-2: After this from the bottom menu health tab Toggle on.
Step-3: If using the app for the first time, no battery history will be visible in the app as it will be reset after a few charging and discharging cycles. battery testing There is a need to do.
Step-4: After charging the phone for two-three days health tab Now you will be able to check the battery health on the device. The health percentage of the phone's battery will be visible in the Health tab. Along with this, you will also see other information like battery capacity, battery wear etc. here.

Note that this requires the app to have access to your device. For this you will have to give permission.

How to check battery draining apps

If you are using an Android phone, then there is an in-built feature here, with the help of which it becomes easy to know which app is consuming the battery the fastest. Follow these steps to check:

step 1: on your Android phone Settings after opening Battery Tap on the option.
Step-2: Here you can see the battery usage after last charge. Screen time, battery life etc. will be visible depending on the phone model.
Step-3: After this many downwards battery settings appear, in which the app battery management And phone battery usage, you call here battery usage Tap on.

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Step-4: when the phone battery usage When you tap on it, it will show the apps, services which are consuming the battery.

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Note: On older versions of Android, you'll find a chart of battery discharge information, then just below that you'll see which apps and services are draining the battery.

How to stop battery from draining fast on Android phone

If you feel that an app is consuming too much battery, you can stop it from consuming battery. For this follow the steps given below:

step 1: For this battery usage by apps Open the.
Step-2: Who app Tap on the item that is consuming too much battery. you here Allow foreground activity A toggle will appear, which off Do it. After this, if you are not using the app, it will not use the battery.

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Step-3: Also, in Settings optimize battery Look at the usage. This auto optimize set it to or Always Ask Set it to . After this the apps will not run unnecessarily in the background. This will also save battery.

Battery Health Questions and Answers (FAQs)

What is battery health?

Battery health in Android phones means how much battery is drained in each charging cycle. What percentage is this charge? Suppose the battery of your Android smartphone is 4500mAh. If your battery health is 100 percent, it will charge the full 4500mAh. If you charge regularly and your phone's battery health drops to 95 percent, your phone will no longer charge 4500mAh when fully charged.

Low battery health means you will get less battery life, that is, the battery of a phone with low battery health will start going down rapidly. Along with this, you will also have to face problems like heating of the phone.

How often should I check my phone's battery health?

There is no need to check your phone's battery health regularly. But when the battery starts draining rapidly, the device starts heating up, the phone is not 100% charged even after recharging for hours, etc. then you can check the battery.

Why does my phone discharge quickly even when battery health is good?

If battery health is not the issue, there could be a possibility that some recently installed apps are causing your phone to discharge quickly. Stop the app from running in the background or uninstall the app completely. If this doesn't help with the battery drain, try resetting your Android phone to factory settings. This may fix the problem.

When should I consider replacing my Android phone's battery?

Most Android phone manufacturers recommend that when your battery capacity drops below 80 percent due to too many charge cycles, it is best to replace it with a new battery. If the battery health is poor, it means it is time to check or replace the phone's battery.

How can I fix battery consumption in Android phone?

Every user wants his battery to last longer. There are some ways, with the help of which battery life can be improved. You can change the settings given below to improve battery life.

  • Reduce screen brightness.
  • Turn off vibration.
  • Block apps that use a lot of battery.
  • Turn on battery optimization.
  • Delete unused accounts.
  • Always use the charger that comes with the box.
  • Try to keep the device cool.


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