Karnataka govt puts Anna Bhagya Yojana on hold, announces cash instead of rice

As the Karnataka government is facing difficulty in procuring large quantities of rice required to fulfil its poll guarantee, it has …

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Africa government has backed down on its free rice promise and has decided to provide people with cash instead of 5 kgs of rice food Minister says it has become difficult for them to proper rice and hence cash will be provided instead because we have promised from July 1st

We will start so till we get the rice this amount will be debated into their accounts later once we get the rice and then once we do procurement under MSB we may get even raggy and Joe are and other then we will uh you know go back to that

So we’re not going back in our words we are whatever we’ve committed we are delivering so that is a clear message that our government is giving out okay so when are you likely to be getting the procurement of the rice because you know it is a challenge now we’ll see now

We’ll be calling for a tender immediately and we will see you know that will take time no so it may take a month it may take two months may take three months because of the uh any tender will take minimum 30 days so whatever the time is there two months

Three months whatever but till that till that time we will be debuting into their accounts foreign government has backed down on its free rice promise tell us more yes it’s a situation where you know the the Congress says that we’ve approached other states uh you know while they were

Of course ready to give the right for the quantum that was needed to actually uh you know deliver on the particular promise of giving 10 kilos they were not able to match that and that’s the reason until they where they are able to procure uh you know the required amount

Of rice they are planning to go ahead with giving you know cash instead of we really have to see how the BJP respond to this because it has been the BJP of course which are in the last uh you know five to ten days has been talking about

Giving people money instead of the rise of why while the Congress of course has been alleging that because of politics playing at the center by the center rather that they are not able to actually secure the required amount of right so it’s a very interesting situation that’s playing out here in the

State of Karnataka and we’ll have to really note that while the BJP of course has been saying that give you know money instead of the rice but you can definitely expect them to once again hit back because um this boils down to the congress not being able to fulfill its promise

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