Know about the salary, allowances and salary received by former presidents


The President is the head of the Republic of India. The President of India is called the first citizen of India. The Honorable President of India is the head of the state. The President of India is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces.

President's salary in India

The President of India is elected by the members of the electoral college, which consists of elected members of both Houses of Parliament and the Legislative Assemblies of States and Union Territories. Shri Ram Nath Kovind is the current and 14th President of India. The President of India resides in Rashtrapati Bhavan, which It is the largest Rashtrapati Bhavan in the world. The salary and allowances of the President of India are decided by the Parliament of India. Let us know in detail the salary of the President in India.

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President's salary in India

The salary of the President of India is Rs 5 lakh/month (tax-free). Apart from this, the President of India also gets many allowances. Some of the perks are listed below.

  • Accommodation: Rashtrapati Bhavan is the official residence of the President of India. Rashtrapati Bhavan rises up the hills in the heart of New Delhi. Rashtrapati Bhavan remains a center of attraction for many visitors every year. There are 340 rooms in Rashtrapati Bhavan. in Rashtrapati Bhavan 2,00,000 square feet Has a floor area of.
  • medical facilities: The President of India is one of the most important officials of India. The President of India is entitled to free medical services for the entire life.
  • Security: Since the President of India is one of the most important persons of the nation, his security is also one of the major security. The President of India receives a black Mercedes-Benz S600 (W221) Pullman Guard which is custom-built. The President also has a heavily armored stretch limousine for official trips. The motorcade also joins the former president's carriage, a black Mercedes-Benz W140 and an armored limousine.

President's facilities after retirement

The President of India receives several allowances after retirement. Some of them have been listed below.

  • The President of India gets Rs.5 lakh/month(currently) as pension.
  • Rs 30,000 to the President's spouse. Secretarial assistance is available per month.
  • One furnished unrented bungalow (Type VIII)
  • Two free landlines and one mobile phone.
  • Five personal staff including one personal secretary
  • Staff expenses Rs 60,000 per year.
  • Free travel facility with companion by train or air.

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Salaries received by former Presidents of India

  • In 1951, the salary of the President was Rs 10,000. And allowances Rs 15000. Used to meet.
  • In 1985, the President of India was paid Rs 15,000. Used to get Rs 30,000 as salary and allowances.
  • In 1989, the salary of the President of India was Rs 20,000. And allowances Rs 10000. Used to meet.
  • In 1998, the salary of the President of India was increased to Rs 50,000. Done.
  • The salary of the President of India in 2008 was Rs 1,50,000. Happened.
  • The salary of the President in 2016 was Rs 5,00,000. Happened.

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